Columbus Marketing Agency PR Brigade Announces Name Change to Civilis Marketing

Digital marketing firm PR Brigade is pleased to announce its name change to Civilis Marketing. The new name better reflects the type of customized relationship-based marketing services the company provides to dynamic businesses across North America.

Latin for “civilized,” Civilis represents an understanding that valuable business relationships require a human connection. President of Civilis Marketing, Kim Troy, remarked, “As business owners, we’ve all grown weary of digital marketing gimmicks and the annoying spam that fills our inboxes on a daily basis. As digital marketing experts, we don’t subscribe to such stunts. Businesses are enterprises comprised of real people, and their potential customers and other stakeholders are real people, too. We have always helped our clients use digital channels to interact and engage with their clients and prospects in an authentic and human way. We feel our new company name reflects that point of view.”

Clients, vendors, and partners of Civilis will see no change in the quality of work previously enjoyed with PR Brigade. The staff, which has always proudly delivered excellence on all fronts, remains the same. Under the new moniker, Civilis Marketing will continue as a leader in the digital marketing industry.

About Civilis Marketing

Since 2010, Civilis Marketing has helped organizations in a wide variety of industries engage their stakeholders by focusing on the real people behind each relationship.

Unlike most digital marketing agencies, Civilis Marketing designs and executes customized digital marketing strategies that emphasize quality over quantity of marketing activity and human interactions over marketing automation. Working as an integrated marketing partner, Civilis helps business owners and leaders distill their unique company culture and values into meaningful and resonant conversations with their intended audiences.

Civilis Marketing’s proprietary REALationships™ program offers business owners, hiring managers, community leaders, and other executives a one-of-a-kind marketing approach for initiating and deepening critical individual relationships.



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