
Building Human Relationships in a Digital World
CEO Kim Troy sits down with Relationships Rule podcast host, Janice Porter, to talk about genuine, human-to-human relationship-building in this increasingly disconnected digital world. Take

Rude Marketing Automation Can Destroy Your Company’s Reputation
“…since you haven’t responded to my earlier emails, you must not be interested in what I have to offer you.” That’s the most recent in

Get Real: Build Business Relationships with Effective Social Media Messaging
Despite Michael Corleone’s assertion that “It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business,” every aspect of business is personal. When people know about you, like you, and trust

Speak Only if It Improves upon the Silence: Reducing Social Media Noise
Are we there yet? Have we – as a culture, a society, a species – finally reached that point where the sheer magnitude of advertising

How to Capitalize on Your Marketing Success
Look, we’re business people too. Ironically (given the business we’re in), we too have had our fair share of marketing and advertising failures. Over the

Building Authentic Relationships in Digital Channels—It Can Be Done
We are often asked whether it’s truly possible to establish and build genuine 1-to-1 relationships in digital channels. After all, for decades our telephones, inboxes,

Make Friends First, Business Second
In uber-quotable “The Godfather,” Michael Corleone famously said, “It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business.” Oh, Michael, you poor misguided soul. Granted, it’d probably be

“Who’s This Guy?”: Bridging Social Status Gaps in 1-to-1 Outreach
There’s an old African proverb that says, “The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks.” That proverb points to a common obstacle

Outsource—Yes, Outsource Your Business Relationship Building
It’s no secret that the more successful your business, the more relationships you have. And after a certain point, it becomes very difficult to maintain

Find, Organize and Leverage Your Top 100 Business Relationships
If your business is like mine, where a handshake is required to close a deal, you know that building and nurturing 1-to-1 relationships is the

Business Success: It’s about Whom You Know
Every savvy business person will tell you, “It’s all about relationships.” What not everybody realizes, however, is that there are several types of business relationships

Could a 1-to-1 Marketing Model Be Effective for Your Business?
All business is ultimately about personal relationships, but some relationships are more important than others. For example, if a majority of your customers are referrals,

The Evolution of the Technological Relationship
No question, our communication mediums have come a long way—and so have we. That’s because whenever those mediums change, they take us along for the

Culture: Translating Values into Behaviors
No doubt, you’re hearing a lot about company culture these days. It’s because a well-defined, activated culture helps employers attract top talent in a world

The Virtual Company: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
It was a conscious decision to be a virtual company, and it’s actually a decision that we made long before Civilis came to be. As

How To Bring Your Culture To Life
An employee shows that they are as effective as a team leader as they are as a team member. If collaboration is one of your

Company Culture: It’s All About Impact
What do stationery, the African bush, and selling sweaters have to do with building a strong company culture? Kim Troy shares her unique journey toward

Walking the Talk: Live Those Values
Are you all talk when it comes to company culture? Or do you actually DO what you say you do? To learn how to bring

How to Attract and Engage Top-Notch Talent
Are key positions going unfilled longer than you’d like? Have you lost someone you didn’t want to lose? Civilis CEO, Kim Troy, shares her battle-tested

How to Build More Resilient Teams
Very little right now is going according to plan. So how can you make sure your team is able to roll with the punches? Civilis

Culture: It’s All About the Why
There’s a lot more to it than touting a vision, mission, and values. Building a strong company culture is all about digging deep to understand

Business Continuity: Strategies for Dealing with COVID-19
The following covers seven areas in your business that will be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with some strategies for mitigating its negative effects.

Practical Advice for Businesses in Crisis: People Come First
With all that’s currently taking place across the globe, it’s important now more than ever to implement smart, thoughtful strategies in your business to weather

Leadership in the Wild
What do you do when a spitting cobra is blocking your only route back to camp? Civilis CEO, Kim Troy, shares what she learned about

It Takes a Village: Writing for Social Media Marketing
Interactive marketing—especially when using social media platforms—has become a powerful and proven way to engage customers and build relationships that can be converted into sustained,

The New Marketing Paradigm
Today’s digital technology has brought about a sea change in how businesses and prospects interact. Unlike the old days of marketing, where a business was

Don’t Be a “HubSpot Hal”—The Dangers of a Marketing Automation Mindset
Beware of HubSpot Hal. And, be careful that HubSpot Hal is not actually YOU! Here is another “how not to do it” story from the

The Universe of Potential Relationships, Part 2: People Open to Meeting Someone New
In Clicksand, I explore the concept of the Universe of Potential Relationships. There are three overlapping circles: the people you want to meet, the people

The Universe of Potential Relationships, Part 1: People You Want to Meet
One concept I explore in Clicksand is the Universe of Potential Relationships. It is a concept we use a lot with our clients at Civilis

Even More Ways Building Business Relationships Is like Playing Golf
When I was younger, I dreamed of being Douglas Adams, writer of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. He is one of the most innovative

Three More Ways Building Business Relationships Is like Playing Golf
In my previous article, I talked about how the many organic variables involved in playing golf make it a lot like trying to navigate business

How to (Mostly) Rise Above Social Media Algorithms
You’d like to run a simple social media campaign to increase your visibility and attract some new customers. You probably have at least a couple

Three Ways Building Business Relationships Is like Playing Golf
With the warm weather of summer, a lot of business owners find time (or would love to find time) to hit the golf course. Golf

What’s Lost (and Can Be Regained) with Virtual Communication
The advantage of digital marketing is reach. You can reach so many people so often, so fast, and (if you know what you’re doing) so

Where Do You Start? “Do unto Others … ” No, I Mean Literally
Whenever I make a keynote speech about the dangers of Clicksand, almost invariably the same question will be raised in the Q&A afterward. Business owners

Don’t Just Talk the Talk in Online Marketing
This article is part of the 7 Deadly Sins of Relationship-Based Marketing series. In the series, we’ll chronicle different online behaviors and practices that can

Build a Stronger Network: Have (More) Meaningful Conversations
With all the noise in marketing these days, the need for more meaningful conversations has become more important than ever. The rise in digital platforms

How to Come Up with Blog Article Topics
Your blog is a beast that needs constant feeding. Coming up with an ongoing stream of fresh, new ideas that your readers find valuable can

What Makes a Great Content Writer
Keeping your digital channels full of fresh, on-brand content requires a great content writer. Often times this job is handed over to an intern (because

One-Sided Communication Isn’t a Relationship, It’s Stalking
This article is part of the 7 Deadly Sins of Relationship-Based Marketing series. In the series, we’ll chronicle different online behaviors and practices that can

How We Got into (and out of) the Clicksand Trap
Rex Elliott is co-founder and partner at Cooper & Elliott, a law firm in Columbus, Ohio. He tells us about his journey to understand how

You Can’t Replace You with Marketing Automation
This article is part of the 7 Deadly Sins of Relationship-Based Marketing series. In the series, we’ll chronicle different online behaviors and practices that can

Don’t Be a Flake: It’s Killing Your Business
This article is part of the 7 Deadly Sins of Relationship-Based Marketing series. In the series, we’ll chronicle different online behaviors and practices that can

Have Some Compassion: Quit Hurting (Instead of Building) Business Relationships
Like most people, I begin each day by checking my inbox and cleaning out the unimportant emails. And of course, more of those emails get

Columbus Marketing Agency PR Brigade Announces Name Change to Civilis Marketing
Digital marketing firm PR Brigade is pleased to announce its name change to Civilis Marketing. The new name better reflects the type of customized relationship-based

Quit Talking AT Potential Clients: Make Marketing Effective, Not Efficient
Advances in technology have helped make amazing strides in modern business relationships. Unfortunately, not all of its uses have been positive. There has been a trend toward

Marketing Automation: What Is It and Do I Need It?
Marketing automation is a big buzzword these days. It’s being touted as a silver bullet that can alleviate a myriad of marketing woes. The very
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